Ye shall keep My sabbaths, and reverence My sanctuary: I am the LORD.
Leviticus 19:30 AKJV
Remember God is God. He created us in His Image. God created us to live in communion with Him. God created us for so much more than we actually walk out in our daily Christian life.
It is so easy to let life, self, and worldly distractions become the horizon line we constantly strive to reach, to achieve, and to conquer. But all these are temporary and none of these will save our soul or give us eternal life.
Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire? yet my people have forgotten me days without number. Jeremiah 2:32 KJV
Today is the perfect day to go to church. If you don’t have one find one, if you have a church – if you know of a church – go there today. Get to really know the One that created you and the plans He has for your life.
We are broken individuals of our past that need redemption today in order to live all of our tomorrows with our whole heart, mind, soul, and eyes focused on Christ Jesus and our God given purpose.
Go to Church today, God will meet you there ✝️
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment.
Matthew 22:37-38 AKJV
If ye love Me, keep my commandments.
John 14:15 AKJV
Ye shall keep My sabbaths, and reverence My sanctuary: I am the LORD.
Leviticus 19:30 AKJV
Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire? yet my people have forgotten me days without number. Jeremiah 2:32 KJV