WELCOME to Believers Tablet Blog where I would like to write/talk with you about God.
I am in great hope that you will come and join me on this journey, and that you too will find the power of Christ at work in your own life.
This BLOG is where you will find posts, some short and some longer, meant to enlighten and encourage each of us as we step out into a new day.
You will find any posts with audio on the top row and any holiday related posts at the bottom.
Please, Remember if you are touched by these inspiring and encouraging posts in someway, it is greatly appreciated if you would LIKE, and SHARE, as it helps to spread the word of God. Please leave a comment to tell how you have been blessed and inspire and encourage others.
NOTE: Due to excessive spamming all comments submitted are held for approval. If you submit a genuine comment, meaning non-spam, then it will be reviewed and approved as soon as manually possible.